Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Braley

Well, it has been almost 2 years since our last post, but we are as determined as ever to sail away. We have had a lot happen in these past two years. Though we haven't blogged about the work towards sailing or the things we have done to accomplish that goal, believe me we are definitely closer. We have really focused on building our computer repair company in order to create our sailing kitty and pay off our "land lubber" commitments. We have paid off three major debts thus far and from here on out the rest of our debts will disappear rapidly, due to the snowball effect. The biggest news to report is that instead of a family of 6 we are now a family of 7 with edition of our fourth son Liam on October 21, 2009. He was a huge, but welcome surprise. Just another crew-member for our ship.

We are still here and steadfast in reaching our sailing goals and we will be much more active from here on out in updating our blog.
