Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Boat Name

As you can tell by the name of this blog .Our boat, once we acquire one will be re-named "The Goonies" We figure this name says a lot in the way we think of ourselves. Goonie is another name for the majestic Black Footed Albatross , These birds can fly up to 6250 miles in one flight .With a wingspan of 11 feet this is the largest on the planet. That's the way we would like to think of our sailboat, traveling great distances with our sails (our wings) and the power of the wind.

I've heard that there are some superstitions with boat re-naming so we will be following those to a "T" we don't want to upset Neptune.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our first blog

We are new to blogging, but wanted a place where we can begin making a journal about all the things we did before we set off on our adventure.

We are a large family planning to sail around the world within the next 3 years. We plan on doing as much research as possible on blue water sailing . We have started to liquidate things in order to accomplish this and know that we can't use 99.9 % of the things we currently own on a sailboat. We have both sailed small catamarans on vacations to Mexico that's when we were hooked by the ocean.

We know this is going to be alot of hard work since we don't yet have our sailboat and we are landlocked in Colorado. But it's something we really want to do.