Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our first blog

We are new to blogging, but wanted a place where we can begin making a journal about all the things we did before we set off on our adventure.

We are a large family planning to sail around the world within the next 3 years. We plan on doing as much research as possible on blue water sailing . We have started to liquidate things in order to accomplish this and know that we can't use 99.9 % of the things we currently own on a sailboat. We have both sailed small catamarans on vacations to Mexico that's when we were hooked by the ocean.

We know this is going to be alot of hard work since we don't yet have our sailboat and we are landlocked in Colorado. But it's something we really want to do.


Anonymous said...

Chris & Tyra:

First, I admire your dream. I am a landlubber who just LOVES the ocean and I can relate to your feelings when you sailed for the first time. IMHO, there is NOTHING else on the planet that can match the sheer MAJESTY of the ocean. I have always had a day dream of circumnavigating the world in a single handed sailboat but I suspect that as i enter the fourth quarter of life and am 'between jobs' that I will die likely with that dream unfulfilled. So I definitely admire your courage to at least try.

I have done enough reading and research on sailing, sailboats, and circumnavigation to know that it is a daunting task...a very daunting task. I would sure like
to know though that you have done ENOUGH TRAINING, SHAKEDOWN CRUISES, RESEARCH and other preparation to SAFELY complete your dream. Living and coping on the ocean is vastly different than living on the land in Colorado----or anywhere else. What kind of training, etc are you doing? Good luck. I will be living somewhat vocariously through you and your adventure.

Atlanta, Georgia

S/V The Goonies said...

You are officially the first person to leave a comment; thank you for your time and your words of encouragement. You're right this is a daunting task that we are taking on, but with support from friends, family and people like you the weight is lessoned if only slightly. We do appreciate any support whatsoever.

We too, like you have done a lot of reading about sailing, living aboard, circumnavigation and so on. We read anything and everything we can about all subjects pertinent to our coming lifestyle. We have also taken online certification classes and passed, but we have yet to take any hands on sailing courses. That is going to begin this summer with a basic keelboat class at a local lake. Dillon Marina offers many levels of training as well as ASA certification courses. So this is where we are going to start. Our next plan after we have mastered the basics is to make all of our upcoming vacations learning how to sail vacations. We have done a lot of research thus far on sailing schools around the U.S. and the Caribbean that offer ASA courses on all levels of training as well as family oriented classes. So we know we have a long road ahead of us, but we are steadfast and sure of what we want.

You said that you "will likely die with that dream unfulfilled" We hope that is not true. We would love to see you realize your dreams as well. Although we do know how you feel, that very thought of dying without fulfilling our dreams is what keeps us going. We are both in our thirties and have come to realize that life goes by way to quickly and that it can end in an instant. Watching how fast our children have grown is what really got us motivated to accomplish this within the next 3 years, because this is something we want to experience with our entire family. Our oldest will be about 15 when we leave and we figured that we better get our butts in gear if we are going to do this with her too.

Well, I'm afraid that this is becoming too lengthy and I don't want to bore you, so I will say goodbye for now. We hope you continue to support us and watch our progress as well as commenting when you can. It really is a boost to our morale when people like you show support, it is greatly appreciated. Please stay in touch and feel free to contact us anytime!!Thanks Again!!!

~Tyra, Chris and Family

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