Monday, May 5, 2008

One Day Closer

Well, today is almost over and hopefully that means that we are one day closer to our launch date. We have'nt set an official date, but we estimate about 3 years until our world sailing adventure begins. Everyday we dream about the freedom and excitement that awaits us out there on the deep blue ocean. The thought of exploring places that most will never see keeps us headed towards our goal. Sometimes it is hard to believe that that day will ever come but we are optimistic and commited to getting there. Unfortunately we still have to go through the motions of an ordinary life until then. Chris said something yesterday that boosted my excitement level and also stirred some emotions, he said "just think, somewhere out there there is a boat that has a destiny with us." That profound thought made me shiver. To think that 'our' boat is out there somewhere makes me happier than I can express in words, but it also gives me comfort and hope for the journey to come. Hold on "Sailing Vessel The Goonies" we'll be united soon!!!!


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