Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who we are.....

Looking through our posts we realized that they don't contain much about who we are, so I'll try to describe us the best I can. Here we go, we are the "Braley's", Chris (Dad), Me or Tyra (Mom), Kenna (12) (our only daughter), Ty (10), Jackson (8), and Quinn our newest and surprise addition (3 1/2 months). We currently are landlocked in beautiful but ocean-less Colorado. So, might you ask why and how are you going to become sailors? Well, the sailing bug bit us for the first time on a vacation in Mexico where we were able to sail small catamarans provided by our resort. Once we took those babies out we were hooked and looking for more and have since sailed on numerous other vacations. We have all loved the ocean since we first laid eyes on it all at different times but the reaction the same. We just new this is where we wanted to be or should I say had to be. Of course our first thought was the safest and most sane,"let's move to a state that is near the ocean." Still that wasn't going to be enough, we have to have an adventure. A learning, helping, teaching, crazy a** adventure; one that we could look back on someday with our children and say "We did it, we really lived!" So that is our plan to sail around the world with our 4 children and really live. I'm not going to say that we don't have a good life here, because we do. We have a decent but shrinking house due to our expanded family, we have nice cars, go on vacations and at the end of the day can still afford some fun. So life isn't bad for us just routine and ordinary and this life would suit most just fine but not us we are spontaneous dreamers, adventurers and citizens of the world. This is how we want to live the rest of our lives while at the sametime giving our children the opportunity to learn about the world. We think that this would be one of the best learning experiences we could give them. We want them to know that there is more to the world than just the U.S and Colorado; we don't want them becoming isolationists like so many others we know, we want them to be good world citizens not just U.S. citizens. This journey, though great for us in so many ways is not just for our benefit. We plan on helping in anyway we can wherever the wind and tides should take us. Whether it's helping to build homes, donating time or just keeping someone company. We are not going to be a burden on the societies that we visit nor are we going to try to change them;we just want to experience them and likewise give them an experience. So this is us, a family of six with thoughts of grand adventures and a world circumnavigation. We are determined and steadfast in our goals and we will reach them!

Thanks for reading and any support is appreciated!!!

~ Tyra

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